750 ml Glass Bottles

3 products

The 750 ml glass bottles are large bottles with a lot of volume, ideal for various liquids. Ideal for filling with juices, syrup and much more.
3 products
"750 ml Bügelverschlussflasche – Glasflasche mit Bügelverschluss
750 ml "Swing-Top Bottle" including Swing-Top - ab €1,25
"750 ml Totenkopf Glasflasche mit Glaskorken – Likörflasche
750 ml "Totenkopf" Glass Bottle including Glass Cork - ab €3,47
"700 ml Geradhals Glasflasche mit Schraubverschluss – Bordeaux
700 ml "Straight Neck" including PP28 Cap - ab €0,92

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